The purpose of the article is to form the scientific and methodological foundations of marketing support for the sale of products of agricultural engineering enterprises based on the implementation of the co-marketing methodology. The lack of effective marketing support for the sale of products of agricultural machinery enterprises and the need to overcome the competition of foreign manufacturers creates problems for the development of enterprises and the industry. The organization of the sale of products of machine-building enterprises for agriculture is not perfect and needs innovations, which actualizes the need to find alternative organizational bases of marketing. Using the method of analogies, the experience and dominant problems in the activities of agricultural engineering enterprises are determined. Management methods were characterized using the comparison method. The method of bounded rationality is applied in justifying the expediency of adjusting the forms of interaction of producers, intermediaries and consumers, taking into account positions and preferences. The induction method was used in the analysis of the experience of individual economic units and their subdivisions. Practical significance of the article. To ensure the effective application of the concept of integrated marketing, the conceptual apparatus "co-marketing", "consolidated marketing", "omnichannel marketing", "multichannel marketing" has been specified. To build new integrated business structures, the use of co-marketing methodology in sales management is proposed and the main principles of its effective implementation are defined. Specific principles of implementing consolidated marketing in the practice of organizing sales activities have been developed. Conclusions. The article discusses the feasibility of using methods of convergence and consolidation (co-marketing) as the basis of integration into the practice of marketing organization for more effective implementation of the sales function of agricultural machinery enterprises.
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