The value of the financial result is a basic indicator for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise and the basis for making many management decisions. The existing practice of analyzing, predicting the value of the financial result indicates that analysts are limited in the use of methodological and technical means. In turn, this negative trend often does not allow obtaining a satisfactory forecast of financial indicators in the future and leads to errors in management decisions. The article discusses the problem of improving the reliability of forecasting the financial results of the enterprise in the context of using various modern methods for building regression models. The work analyzed the nature of the existing dependence of the level of net financial result of the enterprise on the cost of sold products and the amount of expenses of the reporting period. In order to eliminate multicollinearity, the initial data were standardized and the main components method was used. Linear and nonlinear regression models based on the least squares method are proposed. The p-values for the internal parameters of the obtained models were analyzed. As an alternative to the obtained regression models, the work considers models based on machine learning. Among machine learning models, methods were used to build regression models: k-nearest neighbors, a binary decision tree, a random forest and a neural network. To compare the obtained prediction models for the magnitude of the financial result of the enterprise, the following were used: determination coefficient, Fisher's criterion, average approximation error. The study of the value of the average approximation error for all models, except for the model based on the neural network, revealed an excess of the limit value, which indicates that it is impossible to use these models to predict the value of the financial result of the enterprise. The neural network model has a valid approximation error and is superior in all respects to the previously obtained models. The prospects for further research are to expand the use of methodological and technical means for analyzing and predicting the level of financial results of the enterprise.
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