The article is devoted to the study of the problems of greening agricultural production and the formation of an effective food security system of Ukraine in the conditions of systemic market transformations. The essence of food security and its place in the structure of economic security of the state are revealed; the food safety system is characterized; the sequence of comprehensive assessment of the country's food security level is methodically substantiated. It was established that the formation of food security of Ukraine is at the stage of active institutional transformation of the economy, which contributes to the construction of effective interconnection and interdependence between the population of the state, agricultural production and environmentalization of the economy. The formation mechanisms are characterized and the hierarchical levels of the food security system are outlined in the context of the strengthening of European integration processes in Ukraine. It is argued that a combination of policy, innovative institutional solutions and investment can help reduce the scale of agriculture's significant environmental impact and harness its potential to provide environmental services. Managing the link between agriculture, natural resource conservation and the environment must become an integral part of using agriculture for development to increase the sustainability of agricultural production systems. For the domestic economy, greening is a process of continuous and consistent development and introduction into production processes of new technological and management solutions that allow increasing the efficiency of the use of natural resources while preserving or improving the quality of the environment. Attention is focused on the central factor that determines the possibilities, as well as the pace of sustainable economic growth as the basis for the formation and functioning of food security of Ukraine, that is, the reproduction of the ecological and economic system, which in a broad sense involves not only the preservation and restoration of ecosystems, but also activities aimed at on improving the efficiency of using natural potential in general.
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