Keywords: educational institution management, internally displaced persons, social needs of dormitory residents, quality of life, social function of dormitory


The main purpose of dormitorys in Ukraine and the world is specified. The reasons for the growing importance of educational institution management, internally displaced persons, social needs of dormitory residents, quality of life, social function of dormitorys for Ukrainian society in the conditions of martial law are singled out. The dynamics of changes in the arrangement of the total area of premises in the dormitorys of Ukraine, including in urban and rural areas, were studied. It was established that from 2018 to 2020, provision of plumbing equipment, hot water supply, sewage, all types of heating, and gas decreased in dormitories in rural and urban areas. The decrease in indicators of the overall area of the premises in the dormitories in the urban area varies from 4,28% to 15,81%, the indicator of the equipment with stove heating decreased the most. The decrease in indicators of furnishing the total area of rooms in dormitories in rural areas varies from 6,95% to 25,06%, but the indicator of furnishing with liquefied gas decreased the most. It was determined that student dormitories in the conditions of martial law perform an important social function – they temporarily accommodate internally displaced persons. The problems of student dormitories were identified and their grouping was carried out in accordance with the priority of solution into priority, urgent, important. The first group of problems of the dormitories of higher education institutions «Priority» needs an urgent solution and state funding, since the life and health of Ukrainian citizens depend on it, as well as the implementation of educational activities in general. The second group of «Actual» problems needs to be solved, because in the conditions of energy instability, the constant destruction of the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, the need for energy saving is important, since the use of outdated technologies by dormitories of higher education institutions creates an additional unwanted load on the energy system of Ukraine. The group of «Important» problems primarily involves solving problems in the comfort of living, therefore, although their solution is necessary, their solution can be postponed for a certain period. Such an approach will allow a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of dormitories and form the management of the educational institution the appropriate algorithm of management processes.


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How to Cite
Voloshyn, V., Deineha, O., & Deineha, I. (2023). EVALUATION OF PROCESSES OF TRANSFORMATION OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE DETERMINED BY THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Economy and Society, (47). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-47-32