Keywords: smart specialization, region, innovation, sustainable development, regional development


In this abstract in English, the author should indicate the purpose and relevance of the topic; then the research method(s) should be indicated; then the results should be characterized; finally, the practical value of the article should be indicated. The scientific work is devoted to the topical issue of studying the theoretical and substantive basis and determinants of the concept of smart specialization of regions. The methodological approach used in writing the research paper includes the following stages. First, an analysis of the historical aspects of the study of smart specialization in the European Union and Ukraine. At this stage, attention is paid to identifying the prerequisites for the introduction of the smart specialization concept in European countries and outlining the main factors for the introduction of smart specialization in Ukraine. Secondly, the existing scientific literature in Ukraine and the world characterizing the smart specialization of regions is systematized. Based on this method, the author systematizes approaches to understanding the content of smart specialization, identifies the shortcomings of existing approaches, and proposes the author's vision of this concept. Thirdly, the advantages of introducing the concept of smart specialization and the existing obstacles to its implementation are generalized. The advantages of full implementation of the smart specialization concept in the regions of Ukraine are determined. It is proved that all stakeholder groups play an important role in the development of the smart specialization concept. The obstacles to the implementation of the smart specialization concept in the regions of Ukraine are characterized. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the following determinants of the smart specialization conception: first of all, smart specialization involves the development of a regional/national strategy that will determine the priorities for creating future competitive advantages of regions and the state as a whole; secondly, the strategy of smart specialization of regions should be developed with the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders (an important role is assigned to the academic community); thirdly, the concept of smart specialization combines industrial and innovation policy.


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How to Cite
Prasolova, K., & Danylyshyn, B. (2022). KEY DETERMINANTS OF REGIONS SMART SPECIALIZATION CONCEPT. Economy and Society, (46).