The article deals with essential and meaningful description of infrastructural modernization of the regions economy under conditions of overcoming the consequences of the Russian Federation military invasion on the territory of Ukraine, as well as under conditions of decentralization of the management system of social and economic processes, territorial differentiation of the rates of expanded reproduction of resource and production potential, aggravation of regional challenges due to strengthening asymmetry in the level of destruction of social and industrial infrastructure objects, resource provision for the implementation of sectoral projects of the territorial communities of the basic level development, possibilities of transition to the anticipatory type of regional economic complexes development. In the context of studying theoretical and methodological basis of the regions economy infrastructural modernization the periodization of the waves of the study of modernization as a process of innovative renewal was done based on the theories of classical modernization, post-industrial society, reflexive modernization, multiple modernities and postmodernism. It is claimed that the following characteristics features of the economy modernization are: progressive changes, renewal, modernization, multidimensional shift, intensification of economic reproduction. It is substantiated that the peculiarities of the regions economy modernization under conditions of deepening decentralization processes are: revolutionary process, systemic process, global process, long-term process, phased process, convergence process, irreversible process, progressive process. The author's concept of the results identification of the regions economy modernization is formed, according to which the following results are distinguished: radical changes, complex changes, innovative changes, gradual changes, phased changes, convergence of regions, growing direction, increasing welfare. Theoretical and methodological approaches to revealing the essence and distinguishing the components of infrastructure of regional social and economic development are improved, in accordance with which, the regional infrastructure is a territorial and sectoral complex which are necessary to ensure the enterprises activity and types of activity of industrial and social branches, which ensure a permanent process of extended reproduction of various forms of real and fictitious capital, as well as the use of endogenous resources and reserves of social and economic advancement of territorial formations of different taxonomic levels.
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