Keywords: health care, financing, voluntary health insurance, mandatory health insurance, insurance medicine


For Ukraine at the current stage, an important issue is the search for additional sources of health care financing in the conditions of reform and further development of the health care system. The study of the trends of recent years shows that the industry remains dependent on budget financing, which makes it impossible to ensure the autonomy envisaged by the reform. One such additional source of funding is health insurance. In many developed countries, it is medical insurance, voluntary and mandatory, that is the basis of financial provision of health care, ensures accessibility to medical services for all segments of the population, and contributes to the improvement of the quality of medical services. The article is devoted to the study of trends in the development of the health care system in Ukraine, taking into account foreign experience and the introduction of elements of insurance medicine. The positive practices of foreign countries in the implementation of insurance medicine, the impact on the level of quality of medical services and the availability of medical services are considered. The positions of developed countries and Ukraine in world rankings based on the criterion of the quality of the health care system and expenditures on its maintenance are analyzed. Features of health care systems in countries that are leaders in world rankings are shown. The state of budgetary financing of health care in Ukraine and the level of satisfaction of the population with medical services, its change as a result of reform measures, are shown. The trends in the development of the insurance market in Ukraine, in particular medical insurance, with the beginning of the medical reform were studied. Recommendations are given for the further development of insurance medicine in Ukraine in the conditions of reform, important elements of reform are shown, which should ensure the strengthening of medical insurance in the new health care system. The main stages of the development of voluntary and mandatory health insurance, their combination with departmental medicine in the process of medical reform, the role of the state in strengthening insurance medicine is highlighted.


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How to Cite
Barannyk, L., & Salnykova, T. (2022). MEDICAL INSURANCE IN THE REFORM OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (46).