Keywords: competitiveness, competitors, competitive advantages, factors of competitiveness, profitability of the enterprise


The transition to a market economy is impossible without ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises, especially if the enterprise decides to enter the international market with its products. The article examines the issues of competitiveness, which relate to the conditions of both external and internal markets, when one of the most important features – competition – becomes an integral component. Information is also presented on such factors as the threat of the appearance of new competitors and goods (services), the ability of buyers to bargain, rivalry between competitors. It is important to carry out all activities related to the study of competitors of the existing marketing information system with a certain structure. The article examines the question of the dependence of the level of competitiveness of business entities and its dependence on changes in the situation in the domestic and global markets, and in turn, the methods of assessing competitiveness should take these differences into account. Competitive advantages formed in the conditions of the company's activities in the domestic market undergo significant changes in the situation of expansion of sales markets and entry into international markets, which calls for a review of the principles of systematization and methods of assessing the factors of competitiveness of enterprises when entering international markets. The logic of development and the dynamics of the modern market show that no successful entrepreneur can do without a business development plan. Moreover, this plan must be drawn up at a high professional level. You cannot do without detailed business planning not only at the stage of creating your business, but also at the stages of promoting a product or service to the market, expanding your business, entering new markets, as well as in the case of reorganization of enterprises and operations, implementation of investment projects. The impact of globalization is explained by drastic changes in the level of demand, gaps between domestic and world prices, the degree of influence of the state on the level of competitiveness, etc. The article presents the criteria of product competitiveness: stability of the quality level, product novelty level, its image, informativeness, consumer costs for its operation.


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How to Cite
Stankova, A. (2022). FEATURES OF COMPETITIVENESS FORMATION OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-66