Keywords: tourism, sustainable development, ecological constituent, Europe, ranking, analysis, segmentation, market


The article is devoted to the pioneering efforts to conduct statistical and comparative analysis of the ecological segments on the European market for sustainable tourism. The relevance of the topic is determined by the necessity to take into consideration different manifestations of environmental factor on the European sustainable tourism market. In this article, the following research methods were exploited: statistical description when regarding different ranking profiles of the European countries in terms of their sustainable tourism indicators, environmental performance indices and sustainable destination estimations; research analysis and interpretation of the obtained results; logical synthesis and generalization when coining a definition for «environmentally-relevant tourism»; systemic and structural analysis while outlining economic and ecological segments of the sustainable tourism market; grouping and description of the ecological segments on the European market. There were obtained the following research outcomes. Firstly, a new definition for «environmentally-relevant tourism» was coined in order to avoid mistaken understanding of different dimensions in ecological tourism and cover a wide range of its manifestations. Secondly, the European market for sustainable tourism was dissected by the ecological criteria and thoroughly analyzed based on tourism statistics. Thirdly, there was proposed in the article an ecological structure for sustainable tourism market with its further estimation. Given the different independent global ranking developed by the Euromonitor, World Economic Forum and InterNations, the authors have made a conclusion on the European region as prevalent and dominant ecological cluster in the global sustainable tourism market. Based on the above mentioned ranks, the leading countries are Sweden (Euromonitor), Denmark (World Economic Forum), and Finland (InterNations). The obtained results were found to be quite evident as the Scandinavian countries were the first to implement ecological initiatives into business practice. The practical value of the undertaking research includes the opportunity to reveal ecological needs of the tourists and define the most attractive and sizeable segments.


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How to Cite
Marekha, I., Mozghova, D., & Kosiachenko, F. (2022). ANALYSIS OF ECOLOGICAL SEGMENTS ON THE EUROPEAN MARKET FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM. Economy and Society, (46).