Keywords: non-governmental organization, socio-political NGOs, socio-economic NGOs, characteristics of NGOs, functions of NGOs


The article is devoted to the topical issues of defining the essence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as effective independent institutional mediators between business and the government sector, which play an important role in the economic development of the state. The NGO was analyzed as: a socio-political institution that contributes to the solution of socio-political problems of a global and local nature and is capable of generating ways and means to solve them; and also as a socio-economic institution that is able to actively contribute to the economic and social life of society by creating jobs, providing various services (paid and free) that stimulate the improvement of the level and quality of society's life, etc. Modern domestic and foreign scientists, defining the meaning of the concept of «non-governmental organization», as a rule, either generalize this concept or, on the contrary, emphasize only one or several aspects. Therefore, some scientists consider non-governmental organizations through the prism of their direct role in the economic, political and social life of society. The article also examines the main features of the activities of non-governmental organizations, their goals, functions and principles. In particular, it is advisable to group the goals of non-governmental organizations into areas of activity: social, economic, political and environmental, which can be combined depending on the specialization of the organization's work and change in accordance with the challenges and needs of public life and their members. In order to achieve goals, NGOs cooperate with interested parties and the government, conduct training, provide requested services and implement other functions. NGOs are outlined as a sector of civil society. Currently, non-governmental organizations and their activities are a sign and one of the basic aspects of civil society, which indicates the democratic system of the country. Types of accountability of non-governmental organizations as a sector of civil society are outlined.


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