Keywords: marketing strategy, digital environment, e-marketing, stages of electronic marketing implementation, types of e-marketing strategies


The article is devoted to the current topic of developing the organization's marketing strategy in the conditions of the digital economy. Strategic plans of business organizations use the strategic dimension in the process of formation and implementation. At the same time, the flexibility and adaptability of the approach to the management of marketing activities is mandatory. The main functions of marketing can be the objects of modern study with the help of Internet marketing tools. Promotion of the site in search engines and thematic channels create the best conditions for achieving effective interaction with both the target audience and valued customers. Promotion of the site in search engines is a number of elements to popularize the resource and increase visits by potential customers, and therefore it can be considered as a set of all marketing measures for the promotion of the site on the Internet. The main conclusions of the study can be applied as follows: the basis of the application of electronic marketing in the activities of the business structure is the appropriate digital environment (internal and external). The work emphasizes that the success of marketing activities in the digital environment is based on successful strategic planning based on the selection of appropriate strategies. The article emphasizes that, considering the content and features of the Internet environment, the specifics of electronic marketing at the current stage of the development of society, its success depends on high professional skills for the effective implementation of strategic electronic marketing programs. The research substantiates that the development of marketing strategies in the conditions of modern technological development increases the effectiveness of marketing, namely: maximum satisfaction of consumer needs, their desires, increasing long-term loyalty and respect from customers, ensuring a long-term strong position on the domestic and foreign competitive market. E-marketing tools can be used in crisis conditions as one of the real opportunities for business improvement, as well as when the situation changes rapidly in conditions and requires an urgent response to the change in its elements.


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