Keywords: war, unemployment, forced migrants, labour market


The war was a catalyst for uncertainty and worsening problems in the labor market. Economic problems in combination with migration have caused large-scale losses in the sphere of employment and incomes, an increase in the level of unemployment, and the spread of poverty. The purpose of the study is to study the transformations of the labor market during the war period, the impact of external and internal migration on the labor market, and provide substantiating recommendations for the stabilization of the labor market in the post-war period. The article analyzes the state of the labor market during the war period and compares it with changes in peacetime, considering the priority of vacancies in the labor market. It was revealed that professions in the field of trade and sales and labor professions began to be in demand, instead, there was a decrease in the need for personnel from the IT sector and top management. It was concluded that despite the harsh conditions, the labor market demonstrated its adaptability to new conditions. However, there is a sad prospect that the longer the hostilities continue, the harder it will be to stabilize the labor market. It is noted that the largest social burden on the labor market is currently in the western regions, which is due to the forced internal migration of refugees from the territories where military operations are ongoing, the relocation of businesses, the weakening of the personnel potential of economic entities as a result of the mobilization of their personnel, the external emigration of the population due to the relaxation of the visa regime. In the example of the labor market of the Carpathian region, the risks and positive shifts in the social burden due to a strong flow of internally displaced persons are considered. The applied value of this work lies in the given proposals regarding the program for restoring the successful economic development of the state after the end of the war, because human resources are the driving force for the formation and strengthening of the economy, qualified personnel is the foundation for the reconstruction of the country. The implementation of these initiatives requires the comprehensive implementation of the labor market stabilization and development program under martial law and post-war reconstruction with measures to support small and medium-sized businesses and assistance to internally displaced persons and persons with disabilities.


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How to Cite
Cheromukhina, O., & Chaliuk, Y. (2022). LABOR MARKET DURING THE WAR: STATE AND PROSPECTS. Economy and Society, (46).