Keywords: tax revenues and fees, state and local budgets, direct and indirect taxes, excise duty, customs duty, value added tax, income tax, environmental tax, local taxes and fees


In the course of the research, an analysis of the redistribution of tax revenues between the state and local budgets was carried out. The dynamics of changes in the proportion of the distribution of taxes and fees during recent years were studied, with the characteristics of all mandatory payments and their share in certain categories of occupancy. Characterization of indirect taxes, such as customs duty, value added tax, excise duty and their role in the formation of local budgets, was carried out; for comparison, other types of taxes and fees were studied in the context of their fullness in budgets of different levels. The main focus of the analysis is on the formation of local budgets in the conditions of decentralization processes and other challenges of the external environment. Characterization of the influence of local authorities on the completeness of the budget with the simultaneous interest in the development of economic processes in places and the formation of a favorable investment climate and the establishment of effective communication with local communities and businesses has been carried out. They came to the conclusion that the redistribution of income should harmoniously regulate the development of national processes while simultaneously taking into account regional features, since the tax system in its structure also has a regulatory function, the importance of which must be taken into account. And as a result, it was noted that the decentralization process currently taking place in our country requires a redistribution of state resources based on parity, democracy, agreement and consensus in the distribution of both the revenue and expenditure parts of the budgets of different levels. Today, a number of powers of the management and financial side have been transferred to local authorities, accordingly, responsibility, including financial, is also transferred to the regional government, which is forced to resolve the obligations imposed on it, and this requires significant financial resources.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, V. (2022). DYNAMICS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES AND FEES BETWEEN STATE AND REGIONAL BUDGETS. Economy and Society, (46). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-46-18