Keywords: personnel formation, industrial enterprise, recruiting, innovative technologies, personnel management


The article is devoted to the topical issue of the study of the peculiarities of the use of innovative technologies in the formation of personnel of an industrial enterprise. Attention was drawn to recruiting technology in the selection of personnel (taking into account the specifics of the workplace and the professional and personal qualities of the applicants) and its effectiveness was proven. It is noted that the implementation of recruiting technology is external (performed by relevant agencies from third-party sources) and internal (performed by the enterprise itself on the basis of attracting the qualification potential of its own personnel). The advantages and disadvantages of each of these types in the formation of the personnel of an industrial enterprise are analyzed. The expediency of using an integrated approach, which allows combining external and internal recruiting, is noted, which will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Attention is focused on the consistency of this approach. The stages of personnel formation of an industrial enterprise using recruiting based on an integrated approach are proposed. The recruitment methods that are used in the recruiting system and form the relevant services of agencies, in that case also for industrial enterprises, are characterized. Namely: Graduate Recruitment; Recruitment; Executive Search; Exclusive Recruitment; Screening; Head Hunting; Staff Leasing; Permanent Recruitment. Based on the research of existing trends and trends in the market of recruiting services, practical directions for the development of recruiting as a personnel formation system at an industrial enterprise were formed. Namely: increasing the effectiveness of the use of recruiting marketing tools based on a programmatic approach; implementation of measures aimed at developing the HR brand of an industrial enterprise, forming its image as a successful and reliable employer; formation of internal personnel reserve; introduction of referral programs; taking measures for further automation and digitalization of personnel recruitment processes.


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