Keywords: motivation, management personnel, efficiency, effectiveness, economic goals, social goals, harmony


The article is devoted to topical issues of evaluating the effectiveness of the manager's motivation. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for evaluating the socio-economic effectiveness of the management personnel motivation system based on the criterion of harmony. The work uses the methods of generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis. Modern approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of motivation have been studied. Their advantages and disadvantages are defined. It has been proven that the system of motivating the company's employees is effective when it combines the interests of the interested parties (the company and the employee). variants of the interaction of the interests of management personnel and the enterprise: dissonance, disharmony, balance, harmony are considered. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the motivation system is substantiated the harmony of needs, interests, goals of management personnel and the enterprise. It has been proven that harmony is the agreement and correspondence of interests, their most favorable combination and mutual reinforcement. An algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of the company's employee motivation system is proposed. To diagnose the effectiveness of the management personnel motivation system, it is proposed to use a two-dimensional matrix of qualitative assessment of the level of harmonization of the goals of the enterprise and management personnel. The effectiveness levels of the motivation system have been determined. The catastrophic level indicates the absence of an effective motivation system, the dissonance of the goals of management personnel and the enterprise; low – about inconsistency of goals; satisfactory – about disharmony of goals; normal indicates that the goals of the management staff and the enterprise are basically agreed; high – about the harmony of the goals of management personnel and the enterprise. Positioning of enterprises in the coordinates of the matrix creates grounds for choosing and implementing a strategy of certain behavior to exit the sector or maintain its positions in it.


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How to Cite
Churkin, A. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STAFF MOTIVATION ACCORDING TO THE CRITERION OF HARMONY. Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-99

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