Keywords: social sphere, instability, challenges, migratory mobility of young people, socio-economic problems


The article is devoted to the identification of challenges to the development of the social sphere of Ukraine’s regions in conditions of instability. The deterioration of the security situation led to a sharp reduction in the business activity of businesses, the level of employment and income of the population, the devaluation of the national currency and in practice was reflected in the formation of panic emigration sentiments among the population. Therefore, the washing out of human resources as a result of increased migratory activity of the population and especially young people testify to the low level of resistance of the social sphere to the action of negative factors in the conditions of security and market turbulence. According to the results of a sociological study conducted among the youth of the regions of the Carpathian region with migration experience, the problems of the social sphere that affect the level of migration activity of the population of Ukraine are summarized. The level of satisfaction of the youth of the Carpathian region with migration experience with the conditions of study and employment in Ukraine and abroad was determined. In particular, young people, migrating abroad for educational purposes, try not only to improve their educational and qualification level and linguistic skills, but also to gain social contacts that can help to arrange a personal life and establish themselves in a new living environment for the purpose of further employment. The level of influence of the capitalization of migration experience on working conditions and wages in the Carpathian region was assessed. The intentions of migrants regarding the declaration of insurance experience obtained abroad in Ukraine have been determined. The level of social capital formation by emigrants of the Carpathian region abroad was assessed. The intentions of migrants from the Carpathian region regarding investing migration capital in Ukraine are summarized. Trends in the realization of migration capital in the projection of re-emigration intentions of the youth of the Carpathian region have been determined.


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