Keywords: tourism, sustainable development, alternative tourism, environmental factor, contemporary concepts, ecological market segments


The article is devoted to the exploration of up-to-date environmental issues of sustainable tourism. The relevance of the topic is determined by the global concern and awareness of the negative environmental impact of tourism and the global efforts to tackle this problem. In this article, the following research methods were exploited: statistic observation and analysis when investigating profile and market size of sustainable tourism; comparative techniques when opposing traditional and alternative tourism, hard and soft tourism; systemic-and-structural analysis when depicting three-pillar profile of sustainable tourism; classification methods when distinguishing between environmental concepts and market segments in sustainable tourism; graphical methods when considering environmental factors within sustainable tourism concepts. The main research outcomes are as follows. The authors conducted a profound theoretical analysis of the ways how to consider environmental component in sustainable tourism. It was found out that such consideration is an inevitable part of sustainable development concept which is based on three organic pillars: social responsibility, environmental protection and economic efficiency. Special attention was focused on the modern analogues of sustainable tourism concept, alternative and soft tourism in particular. The global practice of organizing sustainable tourism was presented in the article. The authors outlined the following concepts of sustainable tourism: natural resource concept (referred to nature-based tourism), agricentric concept (related to rural tourism), nature-protective concept (corresponds to ecotourism), environmentally effective concept (correlated with green tourism) and nature stabilizing concept (consistent with climate-smart tourism). Graphical models were designed to consider the ecological component in the contemporary concepts of sustainable tourism. The practical value of the research is based on the obtained results, which allow to single out the ecological market segments in sustainable tourism and, respectively, to propose relevant strategies for the promotion of ecologically friendly tourism products.


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How to Cite
Zigunova, I., Marekha, I., & Troian, M. (2022). WAYS TO CONSIDER ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENT WITHIN SUSTAINABLE TOURISM CONCEPTS. Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-78

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