Keywords: infrastructure and resource component, nnovation and investment potential, mineral and raw resources, innovations, investments, innovation and investment advantages of the region


Ukraine is lucky to have significant deposits of lithium, its extraction and subsequent deeper processing will be able to bring our country to the group of advanced countries in the energy sector, because it will lead to technological and innovation-investment changes. The purpose of this article is the formation and prospects of increasing the infrastructure-resource component of the innovation-investment potential based on the use of available mineral and raw material resources of Ukraine. The article analyzes and systematizes the factors of innovative transformation of mineral resources. The world experience of lithium mining organizations was studied. The raw material potential of Ukraine is outlined. Considerable developments of scientists in terms of highlighting the content of the country's innovation and investment potential have been taken into account, and directions for the transformation of mineral and raw resources into innovative and investment goods have been formed. The coefficients of attractiveness of innovation and investment activities in the lithium mining sector were determined and a possible analysis of the region's investment advantages was proposed. Despite the high cost of the budget for the exploration of lithium deposits in Ukraine, the prospects for production are great, and using the proposed method of calculating integral economic indices, it is possible to calculate the directions and prospects for the development of both the region as a whole and its components. This technique provides for the construction of group and partial integral indices of investment advantages (indicators) that characterize certain aspects of life in the regions of Ukraine. This will avoid excessive informative weighting of the main indicator while providing a sufficiently complex approach to the characterization of regional features of investment advantages and minimizing the impact of random circumstances, in addition, it provides the possibility of strategic management of each aspect of the region's investment advantages. Today, one of the options for getting out of the country's difficult situation is the priority development of new energy technologies based on significant reserves of lithium in Ukraine and a significant increase in the use of non-traditional and alternative energy sources. The development of lithium production will make it possible to create the cheapest electric cars in Europe, to introduce a completely new modern type of production, to create thousands of new high-tech jobs, to preserve the environment and clean air, to abandon russian oil products. Ukraine can be the first not only in agriculture, but also in the most advanced technologies.


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