Keywords: HACCP, food safety, acute intestinal infections, fast food establishments, implementation of HACCP


The restaurant business, as the top of the big food business, attracts the attention of not only customers (guests), but also a large number of entrepreneurs who think that starting their own restaurant can be a simple and good thing for their business. The purpose of the article is to prepare recommendations for the full implementation of HACCP at all enterprises engaged in the production and sale of food products – food market operators who must comply with new requirements and legislation. Developing a company's own HACCP plan promotes a sense of ownership and common understanding of food operations. When problems arise, you can solve obscure system failures if you know your plan well. Although creating a HACCP plan from scratch can be tedious, some food companies seek advice from independent experts, such as food safety consultants from food industry regulators. Creating a HACCP plan requires preparation and the right thinking. HACCP is a written plan that adequately addresses food safety risks in a food business, requiring focus and appropriate knowledge of food safety and related manufacturing operations. Legislation requires mandatory implementation and operation of permanent procedures based on the principles of the food safety management system. System testing and validation is not a one-time event. An aspect of verification is the obligation to ensure that the HACCP food safety system is still effective and does not require revision. External audits, frequent audits and health inspections from regulatory authorities are conducted from time to time to verify the system. Verification procedures include product testing, CCP evaluation, internal plant observations, review of operating limitations, and review of monitoring records. In practice, the majority of those who have already implemented HACCP, later still decide to get certified. Martial law this year generally "allowed" entrepreneurs to introduce "homemade" products into circulation – kitchens created, often even on the basis of restaurants, to prepare food for the military, military personnel, refugees, residents of the affected cities in most of their cities ignore the very principles of the HACCP. The recovery of Ukraine's economy after the Victory and the opening of new institutions or rehabilitation of the victims already today requires a return to common sense and the principles of HACCP.


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Bhattacharjee D. 5 Benefits of Implementing HACCP in Your Foodservice Business. HubWorks, 11.03.2022. URL: (accessed November 4, 2022).

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Njunina V. How to write a HACCP plan? Step-by-step guide & HACCP plan example. Food Docs, 07.10.2022. URL: (accessed November 11, 2022).

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How to Cite
Titomyr, L., & Vlasiuk, K. (2022). ADVANTAGES OF THE HACCP SYSTEM IN THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (45).

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