Keywords: war, COVID-19, consumer behavior, motives for purchasing goods, financial and economic crisis, online procurement, marketing communications


After analyzing various types of consumer behavior in particular highly rational, rationally confident, cautious, emotional, ostentatious, adaptive, their essence and conditions of use. It is investigated that Ukrainian consumers today are characterized by highly rational and rational-confident behavior. Based on the analysis of secondary marketing information about the consumer behavior model, the main external and internal factors that influence consumer behavior in the process of purchasing goods are also identified. It is determined that the influence of situational factors on the behavior of consumers in Ukraine in the process of purchasing goods by them today is quite significant, unpredictable purchases for arranging their everyday life and restoring health are growing. It is established that today the population of Ukraine is experiencing the negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and martial law, which affect its purchasing behavior and their own needs. The consequences of the pandemic and the war have significantly affected the economic development of the state, as a result, unemployment is growing, citizens incomes are decreasing, and their needs are strengthening. The pinnacle in the direction of meeting the needs of consumers before the coronavirus and the war was creativity, and the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the needs for self-expression. In conditions when a person is worried about his life and health and his loved ones, his own approaches and values have changed, physiological needs are being updated and the formation of the safest possible behavior is being formed, and at the same time people's demand for luxury goods decreases. It is studied that in modern conditions, the number of purchases of goods online and the demand for products of domestic manufacturers are growing. At the same time, the role of the brand in making decisions about purchasing goods decreases, since the availability of branded goods is limited. When choosing products, consumers most trust the recommendations of relatives or friends, as well as reviews from other customers on the internet. Today, when purchasing goods, consumers also take into account the support of sellers for the country's economy and the Army, as well as the delivery time of goods. It is determined that in the new operating conditions, manufacturers and sellers of goods should make changes to their product ranges, pricing policy, redistribute marketing and logistics budgets to the regions where Ukrainians emigrate, activate sales and communication policies in the direction of using digital marketing tools.


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How to Cite
Kosar, N., MamchynМ., & Baran, A. (2022). RESEARCH OF CHANGES IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (45).