In recent years, businesses around the world have begun to pay more attention to environmental issues, and environmental innovation is essential to balance economic growth and environmental sustainability. The activity of any industrial enterprise affects the environment, and most often this impact is negative. At the same time, in the conditions of constant growth of man-made influence, the environmental requirements of consumers are also increasing, the requirements of state regulatory bodies are increasing, and the public's awareness of environmental protection issues is increasing. This, in turn, creates a large number of environmental risks. To increase their sustainability and ensure environmental safety, enterprises are forced to analyze these risks in order to manage them and develop countermeasures. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen work topic is determined by the need to analyze environmental risks that arise during the functioning of modern enterprises in the conditions of the "green economy". The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical provisions and principles of environmental risk management, to study the concept of "environmental risk" and types of environmental risks in the context of the transition to a "green" economy. The article defines theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the essence of environmental risks, provides a classification of environmental risks for modern enterprises, presents the sources and factors of environmental risk. The article contains a detailed analysis of the stages of the risk management process, a study of the trends of the world "green" economy and the prerequisites for the need for environmental risk management. It is shown that in order to understand how to solve problems related to environmental risks, it is necessary to study the interaction of the enterprise with the environment in such areas as resource provision, production and sale of products. As a conclusion, it is stated that the management of the enterprise should pay increased attention to external and internal factors that can cause environmental risks. In addition, the new model of socially responsible investment involves business awareness of its impact on the environment and society.
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