Keywords: motivation, motivation system, stimulation, material stimulation, non-material stimulation, personnel motivation


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the formation of the personnel motivation system at the enterprise it is established that motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity, give this activity an orientation oriented to achieving the goal. Each enterprise forms and uses its own motivation system, which reflects the corporate culture, goals of the enterprise, conditions of activity of the enterprise, and the motivation system is one of the main factors of competitiveness, which provides incentives, development of personnel, increasing the efficiency of their activities and, on the basis of this, achieving the goals set. It is proved that the main driving force for the development of enterprises today is personnel the main tool for activating the labour activity of human resources is an effective motivation system. It is proved that the construction of a personnel motivation system should be based on the following principles: complexity; consistency; regulation; purposeful creativity; result orientation; simplicity and clarity; openness and objectivity. The system of personnel motivation contains components: wages, social guarantees, participation of employees in the ownership of the enterprise, participation of employees in the management of the enterprise, participation of employees in the distribution of profits, staff rotation, personal and public recognition, social and psychological climate in the team. The stages of the motivational system of the enterprise are developed: identification of the problems of the enterprise that arise due to lack of motivation, drawing up a list of key tasks, conducting social diagnostics, developing a motivation system based on the data obtained, calculating financial costs, informing the staff in detail about upcoming changes, launching and testing the system. It is proved that the development of an enterprise requires responsible, proactive, motivated employees who strive for self-realization. When forming a motivation system, it is necessary to take into account the ability to balance the levels of incentives for different positions, to have uniform principles of construction for all levels. The company's profit, staff productivity, staff quality and business development depend on motivation.


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