The question of the practical implementation of the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine (decentralization of power) and its connection with the process of state regulation of the economy at the local level have been studied. The provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Budget Code were chosen as the basis for the study. The process and consequences of the creation of "united territorial communities" in the context of administrative-territorial reform are analyzed. A study of the interdependence of decentralization processes and methods of state regulation of economic processes in individual territorial units was conducted. The relationship between the principles of reforming the administrative system and the system of economic decisions, which were adopted and affect the economic situation of the region, is proven. Attention is focused on the problems that may arise at the stage of reforms, in relation to the decentralization of local self-government and the problems of state regulation of the economy by local authorities, and proposed ways of solving problems arising in the new system of state regulation of the economy. In the course of the research, they came to the conclusion that the transfer of the levers of regulation of the regional economy requires the training of specialists on the ground with direct adaptation to regional features and the specifics of macroeconomic relations of the region. Special attention was paid in further studies to the issue of decentralization of power in the conditions of administrative-territorial reform, where the first steps of such reform do not have signs of systematicity, a certain imbalance of state regulation of the economy on the ground and create threats to national security. The proposed directions of reforms consist in involving the experience of the EU countries, but taking into account the socio-economic, cultural, spiritual and legal traditions of the Ukrainian people. Research in this direction will be carried out systematically with constant monitoring of all possible threats and selection of priorities, which are a guarantee of the development of effective state regulation of the economy in the region and in the country as a whole.
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