Keywords: financial and credit instruments, rational water use, anthropotechnogenic load on the hydrosphere, safety of water use, ecological insurance, ecological taxation


The article is devoted to topical issues of the use of industrial, financial, credit, insurance, tax, and investment tools for rational water use. The authors highlighted environmental and economic factors that aggravate the shortage of limited water resources. It is noted that military aggression by Russia is causing the destruction of the infrastructure of the domestic water system and the pollution of Ukraine's water resources. Economic development will slow down due to water scarcity, therefore the introduction of water-saving technologies will become the main condition for the country's economic growth. In this context, rational water use is becoming more and more important. Rational water use should be based on wasteless water use, elimination of unjustified water losses, frugality in crop irrigation, separation of drinking and technical water supply systems, improvement of water use culture, energy saving. A set of tools for regulating the economical use of water resources is proposed, in particular: production, financial, credit, insurance, tax, investment. The need for state financing of water protection measures is substantiated. Special attention is paid to environmental insurance. This mechanism will make it possible to generate a sufficient amount of financial resources for the implementation of the state policy on the protection and restoration of all types of natural resources. Environmental insurance will allow compensation for damages caused by environmental pollution. It has been proven that the specified tools and levers will contribute to: the formation of environmental responsibility among all groups of consumers of water resources; reduction of man-made deposits of industrial and economic facilities; increasing the level of domestic wastewater treatment; reducing the load on sewage networks; reduction of groundwater pollution. It is substantiated that rational water use should be based on wasteless water use, elimination of unjustified water losses, frugality in crop irrigation, separation of drinking and technical water supply systems, improvement of water use culture, energy saving, etc.


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How to Cite
Vyhovska, V., Kychko, I., & Marhasova, V. (2022). PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF TOOLS TO STIMULATE RATIONAL WATER USE IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (45).

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