The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of financial, budgetary and socio-economic security of the state. The development of conceptual approaches to the formation of the national security system of the state requires taking into account the financial, budgetary and socio-economic aspects of its provision. The main task of the financial system, of which the tax system is an integral part, is to provide sufficient financial resources for the stable functioning of the state. Tax revenues are a significant component of the formation of the country's budget revenues, consistently make up the bulk of GDP, which is redistributed through the budget mechanism, which determines their important role in ensuring the country's security. Important directions of implementation of the long-term state strategy in the sphere of financial, budgetary and socio-economic security of the country are ensuring an effective system of financial regulation that expands opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development, implementation of a set of institutional changes aimed at creating an effective structure of the economic system. Financial and budgetary and socio-economic security of the state are multilevel systems, which include macroeconomic (national economy) and meso-level (economy of industries and regions), microeconomic level (economy of business entities and households), which allows to respond to threats to national economic interests arising in the external and internal security environment. The proper level of financial, budgetary and socio-economic security of the state is an important factor in countering military aggression, creates and improves conditions for the realization of vital strategic and tactical national interests. The problems caused by hybrid aggression force to revise scientific and practical approaches to ensuring financial, budgetary and socio-economic security as the basis of national security of the state. Close interaction of the institutional components of the budget, tax, monetary and social policies will contribute to the development of effective measures to protect the country's economic space from negative exogenous and endogenous factors, dangers and threats to sustainable socio-economic development.
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