Keywords: logistics infrastructure, public-private partnership, models of public-private partnership


The article deals with topical issues related to the use of public-private partnership models in managing the logistics infrastructure of territories under martial law and in the post-war period. The peculiarities of the logistics infrastructure of Ukraine and its place in the rating of the logistics efficiency indicator are indicated. The peculiarities of public-private partnership in the management of the logistics infrastructure of the territories are determined, which are divided into two groups: general and specific. Types of public-private partnership models, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the degree of involvement and risk of the parties in the contracts are considered. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of public-private partnership models showed that the most popular is the concession model, in which the state can retain ownership of the facility or the rights to provide services, while the private party is given the right to operate with significant entrepreneurial freedom. The need to find new conceptual approaches to attracting investments to restore and ensure the functioning of the war-ravaged part of the logistics infrastructure based on the adjustment of existing legal acts in the field of public-private partnership is indicated. It was emphasized that the government of Ukraine revised the main Law of Ukraine, which regulates the relations of the parties in the field of concluding public-private partnership contracts, improved the mechanism of attracting private investments, simplified the procedure for signing contracts through the use of an electronic trading system. The general scheme of the mechanism of formation and functioning of logistics platforms based on public-private partnership is presented. The advantages of using public-private partnership mechanisms for the restoration of the destroyed logistics infrastructure of the territories have been identified. Among them, the possibility of attracting additional investment resources from both domestic businesses and international investors; increasing the efficiency of the use of state funds at the stage of operation of permanent objects of the logistics infrastructure; improving the quality of transport and logistics services; shortening the terms of construction of infrastructure facilities; attraction of highly qualified personnel and technological innovations.


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