The article examines the main directions of the state environmental policy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration. It is substantiated that the constant growth of anthropogenic load on the environment requires the development of effective mechanisms of state control, monitoring and management, and ensuring harmonious ecological development, taking into account the economic and social problems of the population, should become a priority direction for the implementation of state environmental policy. The retrospective and current ecological state of some regions of Ukraine and the factors that led to a high level of air pollution, degradation of national lands, and problems with waste management are outlined. The mechanism and problems of the implementation of the State Environmental Policy Strategy of Ukraine are characterized, ways of improving the state environmental policy, taking into account European integration processes, are proposed. It has been proven that ensuring the implementation of the environmental management system and the implementation of the concept of ecological governance should be guidelines in the formation of the country's environmental policy, since there are a number of requirements for the environmental policy of Ukraine related to European integration, in particular, bringing environmental legislation to the standards of EU countries, implementing the principles of implementation of the European state environmental policy into the national system. The purpose of this article is to study the current state of the state environmental policy of Ukraine and identify the existing problems of its implementation in the context of European integration. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks must be solved - to characterize the legislation in the field of environmental policy, to analyze the problems and the current state of the development of environmental policy, to outline promising directions for the implementation of the state environmental policy. The established organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of the environmental policy and the results of the assessment of its effectiveness will allow to move to the sustainable development of society with rational use of nature and a climate-neutral economy within the established time frame.
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