Keywords: strategy, management, strategic development, small businesses, strategic approaches, strategic goals, CRM systems, the Glaister matrix


The article describes the main problems and prospects of management of strategic development. Strategic development is necessary for enterprises, because in conditions of high rates of scientific and technical progress, it is important to synchronize the development of the enterprise taking into account progressive assets in management, operational activities, product offering, marketing policy, etc. In the conditions of intense competition, enterprises can develop successfully thanks to the development of a long-term development strategy that would allow them to function effectively. In this regard, it is obvious that the relevance of implementing the principles of strategic management is due to the fact that the development of a development strategy is extremely important for the majority of Ukrainian companies that face development difficulties, crisis phenomena and competitive pressure in the implementation of their activities. The study is conducted on the basis of a small private enterprise “Firm “Promavtomatika BS”, which manufactures and installs industrial ventilation and refrigeration equipment. To determine its competitiveness, a competitor profile is built. According to its results, the potential for the development of the enterprise in such areas as assortment policy, quality of service, additional opportunities and services, advertising is identified. The Glaister matrix is built to identify the key problems of the enterprise. The obtained results confirmed the need to improve the system of customer relationship management on the private enterprise “Firm “Promavtomatika BS”. The introduction of an automated CRM system is proposed. As priority strategies of customer relationship management for the studied enterprise are justified: protect the relationship and enhance the relationship. To improve marketing communications, the introduction of SMM strategy is proposed. It is substantiated that the management of strategic development should be based on strategic planning, since strategic planning systematically connects the goals of the enterprise with the vision and mission of the enterprise, with the prospects for market development and the potential of the business entity.


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How to Cite
Shenderivska, L., & Batyr, A. (2022). MANAGEMENT OF STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF A SMALL ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (45).

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