Keywords: restaurant business, public catering establishments, COVID-19 pandemic, service sector, consumer behavior


The article provides the analysis of current areas of activity of public catering establishments in the conditions of the coronavirus. The peculiarities of demand and supply in the market of catering services are analyzed. The problems and tasks faced by the restaurant business and the field of service at public catering enterprises during the lockdown period are considered. The impact of COVID-19 on the restaurant sector is considered. Changes in the behavior of consumers of public catering services during the pandemic were analyzed. Preventive measures and opportunities to prevent economic consequences in the event of a potential lockdown are given. The purpose of the work is to study the impact of the pandemic on changes in the process of serving guests of public catering establishments. In order to achieve the goal, an assessment of the possibilities of recovery of the enterprises of the industry was carried out, taking into account the measures taken and the directions of activity. The practical significance of the work comprise the systematization and actualization of theoretical approaches to the analysis of the work experience of public catering enterprises and possible ways of restoring the industry. It was established that at the initial stage of the corona virus infection, the main problems of public catering enterprises were: the ban on serving consumers in the halls, the lack of modern technologies capable of organizing the delivery of finished products and products to the consumer, the ability to serve outside the establishment, the lack of the ability of enterprises to pay wages to employees and rent for premises. But after the stabilization of the epidemiological situation, the activities of some enterprises in the restaurant business and the field of public catering resumed. Currently, a number of requirements, methodological recommendations and sanitary rules have been developed, which prescribe the possibility of preserving the risks of the pandemic and measures for adaptation to new requirements. However, today not all enterprises can resume work in accordance with the developed instructions, sanitary requirements, due to which some enterprises are forced to close.


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How to Cite
Krasnokutska, I., Andrenko, I., & Murashchenko, Y. (2022). THE PECULIARITIES OF FUNCTIONING OF PUBLIC FOOD ENTERPRISES DURING THE PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (45).