Keywords: specialized wholesale trade, trade, trade development trends, trade scheme


A logical scheme of wholesale trade is presented. It is determined that it is thanks to wholesalers that there are guarantees that the supply chain remains uninterrupted, allowing corporate customers and ordinary individuals to quickly receive the necessary goods. It is proven that it is cooperation with successful wholesalers that helps enterprises to bring the product to the market faster. It is argued that precisely because of their unique position in the supply chain hierarchy, wholesalers provide manufacturers with information about market trends and product demand. Effective wholesalers not only help track consumer behavior, they can also provide insightful data to help manufacturers gain a better foothold in their market segment. It was determined that wholesalers keep the prices of goods on the market stable, creating an artificial deficit. Instead of releasing products quickly and creating a surplus, they limit the supply of certain products. By preventing an excess of goods available to customers, prices can remain stable and producers and others involved in production and distribution can make a profit. Wholesale data gives investors a closer look at the consumer economy, as wholesaler sales and inventory numbers can be a leading indicator of consumer trends. By looking at the sales-to-inventory ratio, investors can see whether production may increase or slow down in the future. It has been found that since manufacturing is a large part of the gross domestic product, wholesale trade data is a valuable tool to observe the cycles of the economy. It has been proven that the effective way to avoid excess stocks or shortage of stocks is the correct management of stock management, which will make it possible to maintain the optimal amount of stocks. It found that poor real-time visibility into inventory movements, inventory costs, and inventory costs of goods sold can leave a "blind spot" in terms of product profitability. Increasing the rate of profit and cash flow is the main task of any business. One of the major, major costs that wholesalers face is storage costs. Especially when goods are stored for too long, their storage costs increase dramatically. One of the modern effective solutions to this problem can be dropshipping.


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How to Cite
Franiv, I., & Kril, M. (2022). OVERVIEW OF CURRENT DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF SPECIALIZED WHOLESALE TRADE IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-20