Keywords: lending to individuals, modernization of credit products, bank card, artificial intelligence, banking ecosystem


The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of bank lending to individuals on the basis of transactions with bank cards, to identify trends in the development of this type of lending and directions of its modernization. To analyze the dynamics of bank cards issuance, materials posted on the NBU website were used. The main methods of the research are analysis and synthesis (in the study of actual data, identification of problems and trends in the development of bank lending to individuals). Lending to individuals is constantly developing, despite the negative impact of political and economic factors. It is proved that banks in order to improve their competitive position in the market of lending to individuals can either develop new types of banking products or modernize banking products. However, the development of new products requires significant investment and time, while modernization does not involve significant investment and can quickly yield positive results. The analysis based on the NBU data showed that there is a constant increase in the number of issued bank cards in Ukraine, so the improvement of credit card lending is the main direction of modernization of bank lending to individuals. The characteristics of promising areas of modernization of lending to individuals are given: development and implementation of mobile applications; formation of a banking ecosystem; introduction of artificial intelligence technology. A brief description of bank cards with new technologies that provide modernization of lending to individuals is given. An important direction in the development of banks' operations on lending to individuals is the development of an online banking platform with API service, which allows to expand the types of services provided to the bank's customers. Through the development and implementation of card credit programs based on new digital technologies, banks will ensure the expansion of lending to individuals and increase the profitability of their activities.


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How to Cite
Kozlov, V., & Sydorenko, I. (2022). DIRECTIONS OF MODERNIZATION OF LENDING PRODUCTS FOR INDIVIDUALS. Economy and Society, (45).