Keywords: budget, post-war reconstruction, financial support, development, economic reforms


History knows many local military conflicts and large-scale wars in many parts of the world. They are united by large-scale destruction of residential, critical and industrial infrastructure, which primarily affects the economic component of the countries where military operations took place. Restoration of the state after such undoubtedly crisis events is a difficult task even for the most qualified politicians and economists. Many experienced scientists have paid attention to this issue, but it is clear that each country, depending on many factors, must choose its own path to recovery, relevant only for it. That is why the topic of restoring the state, its infrastructure and economy does not lose its relevance even in the modern era. The purpose of the article is to assess the damage caused by military actions to the physical infrastructure; unification and generalization of the experience of other states with the formulation of potential formats of assistance; consideration, analysis, search and formation of priority directions and strategies for the restoration of the Ukrainian economy in the conditions of post-war reconstruction, which are partially based on the experience of other countries, but take into account the peculiarities of the political and economic culture of Ukraine. The research methods are based on the analysis of open data, their processing and use, as well as on the methods of systematization and system-structural analysis, which will allow to formulate the obtained data in a unified format to simplify their perception. It was found that the obligatory elements of the country's recovery after the end of hostilities on its territory are the attraction of foreign financing in the form of loans, tranches, charitable foundations, reparations from the aggressor state; economic reforms aimed at a complete restructuring of the economic component towards liberalization and reduction of pressure from the state; promotion of the speedy restoration of private business as the main source of revenues to the state budget, as well as the creator of a large number of jobs. The article has practical value as a recommendation material, which accumulates theoretical and practical experience in restoring the economy of the state, which has experienced significant infrastructural destruction on its territory, which led to economic decline and require reliable solutions to solve problems in the short and long term.


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