The issue of the introduction of information technologies in the activities of tourist enterprises is relevant, as it ensures the market success of the tourist enterprise. The issue of computer reservation and reservation systems makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the activity of a tourist enterprise, facilitates the work of managers of sales of tourist services. It has been confirmed that the high economic efficiency of using computer reservation systems has encouraged their owners to fight for influence in the market of tourist services. It is emphasized that the tourist product is a set of services for the traveler, and the tourist enterprise is one of the elements of the chain of partners for the organization of the tour. The speed of information, operational communication is of primary importance between them, therefore, information technologies, computer reservation systems in the tourism industry play a huge role. On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the researched question, we found out that today the following is observed in the world practice of using computer systems: in order to attract travel agents, companies have expanded the scope of using reservation systems, including a wide range of services (booking hotel seats, car rental, air passenger insurance, issuing tickets, foreign passports and even flower orders). In addition, the programs provide travel agents with the ability to computerize documentation and accounting. Such computerization of the activities of travel agencies significantly increased their productivity. Currently, there is a certain dependence and necessity of the use of computer reservation and reservation systems by tourist enterprises, which creates certain additional opportunities for the design and implementation of a tourist product, as well as the dissemination of information about the enterprise's own activities. It was also determined that today the reservation and reservation systems are the main sales channel of the modern product of the tourism industry, as well as the main arteries for all types and types of information in the field of world and domestic tourism.
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