The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine and the world, as well as the definition of its main problems and opportunities. One of the most important tasks of economic policy at the current stage of state formation is the improvement of public welfare. The implementation of this task requires effective social policy, aimed at forming the material well-being of the population and satisfying its interests, including through the implementation of innovative approaches to solving social problems. The scientific research uses the method of critical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, practical experience, according to the requirements for the level of research methodology and technique. The choice of specific research methods depends on the conditions and purpose of the research. Methods are an ordered system in which their place is determined according to a specific stage of research, using technical techniques and working with theoretical information and certain facts in a given sequence. The article examines the essence of social entrepreneurship; it is clarified that today there is no single definition or general understanding of the exact boundaries of social entrepreneurship; the main features that social entrepreneurship must meet are described; the reasons for its emergence, spread and development are determined; it was analyzed which entities do not belong to social entrepreneurship; the main characteristics and components of social entrepreneurship are highlighted; the final goal and positive effect of social entrepreneurship activities were formed, the main tasks for increasing awareness of social entrepreneurship; the peculiarities of the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine were clarified and the directions and prospects of its further development were determined. Therefore, the main task nowadays is to increase awareness of social entrepreneurship, to popularize its ideas and essence, to inform entrepreneurs that social entrepreneurship is an interesting and promising field of work.
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