Keywords: еconomic security, enterprise, economic security system, elements of economic security system, means of economic security, threats


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the formation of the economic security system of airlines in the conditions of the transformational economy. Different approaches to definition of the concept "system of economic security of the enterprise" were considered. The main tasks, goals, principles, objects, subjects and important functional components of the economic security system of aviation enterprises are defined. The basic principles on which the construction of the economic security system of airlines should be based include the principles of development, adaptability, unity, competence, economic expediency, efficiency, complexity, legality, continuity. Financial, personnel, information, legal, environmental, power, technical and technological. It is determined that from the correct definition of threats, from the correct choice of the system of indicators of their manifestation depends on the degree of conformity of the assessment of economic security of the enterprise to the existing reality and a set of necessary measures on prevention and counteraction of risks, corresponding to the scale and nature of threats. Different approaches to defining a set of elements of the economic security system are analyzed. On the basis of the selected elements, a model of the system of ensuring economic security of air transport companies has been formed. It is determined that to increase the effectiveness of the system of economic security management, the enterprise needs to develop a set of measures on assessment, monitoring and diagnostics of economic security, and development of stages should include a comprehensive assessment that takes into account quantitative and qualitative indicators, takes into account the influence of factors of internal and external environment. The level of effectiveness of the economic security system of the International Airport "Kyiv" in the context of identification of bankruptcy symptoms with application of integration methods has been diagnosed. Based on the research, the main aspects of ensuring the economic security of airlines in the context of its management under the conditions of transformational transformations have been highlighted.


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