The paper studies the peculiarities of the organization of the functioning of specialized tourist destinations in the conditions of wartial law. It was found that the military aggression of the Russian Federation had a negative impact on the socio-economic situation directly in Ukraine and on the tourism capacity of the EU member states, including the cancellation of flights to/from Ukraine, the loss of Ukrainian travelers to European tourist destinations, etc. It has been established that the functioning of the tourism sector of Ukraine under wartial law occurs exclusively at the domestic level with the involvement of relatively safe tourist areas through the organization of the functioning of specialized tourist destinations in the Zakarpattia, Lviv Region, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, etc. It was found that in 2022, international tourism in Ukraine de facto does not exist, due to the closed airspace, and planning trips to Ukraine for international tourists, although not prohibited, remains solely at the discretion of travelers. It was determined that, due to modern conditions, the tourist business of Ukraine concentrates its attention on offers within Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian regions, and tourist companies form excursion routes with visits to museums, castles and short-term rest in the mountains. It was established that in the domestic market of tourist services of the state and taking into account the requests of the local population and IDPs for one-day excursions, the main purpose of which is to relieve psychological stress and reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress in the conditions of wartial law, as well as the main goals of these excursions are the popularization of nature geographic and historical and cultural wealth of the region for IDPs, deepening of knowledge about the small homeland for local residents, etc. It was found that excursion tourism in the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian regions adapted to the functioning due to the conditions of the wartial law and led to the involvement of new tourist objects in the excursion sphere for the organization of the functioning of specialized tourist destinations.
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