Keywords: digitalization, anti-crisis management, crisis preparedness, enterprise, digital transformation


The article reveals the content of digitalization processes of anti-crisis management of enterprises in Ukraine during the war. It was determined that digital transformation is key to increasing the resilience of enterprises to effectively respond to the effects of the external environment. It has been established that the new era of anti-crisis management implementation requires completely new digital approaches to effectively regulate the work of enterprises. The main aspects of digitalization of anti-crisis management of enterprises in Ukraine during the war and modern challenges for Ukraine in the field of information security in the conditions of digitalization of technologies for protecting enterprises from external influences are considered. An assessment of modern informatization technologies of enterprises, which were included in the conditions of martial law in order to systematize their work and reduce risks, both within the enterprise and in their communication, reporting and control system, was carried out. Digitization of anti-crisis management should be considered as an effective tool for preventing, mitigating and overcoming crises of various types, which ultimately contributes to ensuring economic stability and post-war recovery of enterprises. At the same time, modern digital platforms at the core of anti-crisis management simplify the process of collecting and storing important information, compliance with information security standards, which is critically important in wartime conditions. It has been established that in the conditions of war, it is enterprises with a more developed digital infrastructure of anti-crisis management, on the one hand, that respond more quickly to today's challenges, introducing new and developing existing anti-crisis communication channels, and on the other hand, they provide territorial and multidimensional strategic crisis coordination. At the same time, it is important to consider digitization as a tool, and not as an end in itself, for the development of the enterprise and improvement of its organizational structure, business model, and personnel potential.


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How to Cite
Soyma, S., Bilousko, T., & Vdovichena, O. (2022). DIGITALIZATION OF ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE WAR CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (44).