Keywords: city, post-war recovery economy, industrial symbiosis, the processing of industrial waste, the economy of primary resources


The article examines the topical issue of using the industrial symbiosis model for the post-war recovery economy of the city. Industrial symbiosis is based on the principles of circular production and the economy of primary resources through the processing of industrial waste (secondary resources). Saving primary resources is particularly relevant in the restoration of destroyed and damaged urban infrastructure in the post-war period. This also reduces the burden on the city budget. In addition, the processing of secondary resources promotes employment and reduces the technogenic impact of industrial waste dumps on the environment. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations on the use of the industrial symbiosis model in the post-war recovery economy of the city. Research methods: analogy, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The priorities of industrial symbiosis (ensuring ecological balance, saving primary resources, improving the quality of life of the population) and their transformation during the post-war recovery economy of the city are considered. It has been determined that in the post-war period, saving primary resources is a higher priority advantage of industrial symbiosis than ensuring ecological balance. A scheme of industrial symbiosis of city-forming, city-serving, city-planning enterprises in the management of waste from metallurgical production – blast-furnace slag is presented. Attention is focused on the need to transfer industrial waste into the category of secondary resources and stimulate enterprises processing them. The necessity of coordinated use of smart specialization of the city, organization of industrial symbiosis, urban space planning is substantiated. This will ensure the expected savings of primary resources due to the use of industrial waste (secondary resources) for the restoration of the city's infrastructure (industrial, housing, communal, road, transport, social). Projects of post-war restoration of urban infrastructure facilities using the industrial symbiosis model are financed from various sources of investment. Coordination of financial interests of participants in industrial symbiosis during the post–war recovery economy of the city is the subject of further research.


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