The article examines the peculiarities of pilgrimage and religious tourism as a component of the tourism industry. The defining directions of pilgrimage and religious tourism are considered and their differences are indicated. It is shown that the main difference between pilgrimage tourism and religious tourism is that pilgrims are interested in personal participation in religious cults. Pilgrimage can be understood as a journey of pilgrims to worship holy places. For them, visiting excursions, museums, exhibitions is secondary and not interesting at all. While for religious tourists, the objects of visit are places and centers of religions. Excursion-oriented religious tourism is a type of tourism based on visiting religious centers and holy places, where tourists have the opportunity not only to see religious objects, but also to take direct part in religious events (attend services, participate in cross walks) etc. It is noted that pilgrimage tours, in contrast to religious-cognitive or cultural-historical ones, carry a certain belief in the meaning of the rite, that is, not only an educational purpose. Pilgrims care mainly about religion, about the holy places they came to. Such a person is able to move away from the usual rhythm of life for a while: the circle of communication, pleasures, food in order to satisfy his own spiritual and moral goals. The origins of religious tourism go back to the time of the formation of the main world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. Tourist flows related to other religions are insignificant. Every year, more than 220 million people, including 150 million Christians, 50 million Muslims, Buddhists and 20 million representatives of other faiths, make pilgrimages. It is indicated that the formation of religious tourism in our country is facilitated by the religiosity of the Ukrainian people, as well as the presence of a significant number of architectural monuments, which have a predominantly sacred purpose. The most attractive for pilgrimage and religious tourism in Ukraine are the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and Pochaiv Lavra, which are included in the World Cultural Heritage Register by UNESCO. The article highlights a number of problematic issues that prevent the rapid development of pilgrimage and religious tourism in Ukraine.
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