Keywords: receivables, discounts, doubtful receivables, bad receivables, forfeiting, factoring, cluster analysis, bill of exchange


Today, the issue of non-repayment of funds by debtors is quite acute, which can significantly affect the financial condition of enterprises. Since accounts receivable is an integral part of working capital, it requires a continuous process of planning, organization and control. Accounts receivable arise in case of violation of terms and standards of debt repayment to buyers. Therefore, in order to minimize the risks of the possibility of overdue and bad receivables, it is necessary to implement a system of measures to manage it at the enterprise. The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the components of accounts receivable and identify ways and methods of effective management of this item of current assets of business entities. Therefore, the article presents the main types of accounts receivable taking into account their maturity. Taking into account international standards, the article provides the classification of receivables into current and long-term. At the same time, the peculiarities of the system of its accounting should be taken into account when classifying the debt. For a better understanding of the essence and significance of the problem under study, the authors conducted a study of changes in the volume of accounts receivable of enterprises by type of economic activity during 2016-2021 and found that the highest values are observed for enterprises in the industrial sector. As a result, it was found that it is an integral part of the functioning of any enterprise. The article presents in detail the main types of accounts receivable at enterprises and compares them with existing foreign financial systems. The main ways and methods of accounts receivable management are highlighted. Since in recent years factoring and forfaiting services are most often used to reduce the volume of accounts receivable, the authors studied the dynamics of such operations. At the same time, it should be noted that although this is a rather costly way to reduce the amount of receivables, the number and value of factoring agreements concluded during the studied periods, namely 2016 - 2020, has increased significantly.


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