The article analyzes the problems of the accession of Ukraine and Turkey to the European Union. The nature of the requirements, obstacles and criteria faced by states seeking to become members of the European Union has studied. The political and economic components that stand in the way of countries joining the EU was reveal. The level of borrowing and appropriate interaction in the use of experience in the process of European integration was investigate and determined. The main advantages of effective coordination of European countries in the field of control, cooperation and struggle against factors that disrupt the European system have revealed. The object of research of integration processes in the field of political, economic, social processes that create problems for the European integration of Ukraine and Turkey. The subject of this scientific article is a study of the current legislation on the European integration of Ukraine and Turkey with their concretization and definition. The purpose of the article is to research and generalize the problems of the accession of Turkey and Ukraine to the EU. Ukraine and Turkey are neighboring countries with many cultural, economic and political differences. At the same time, these countries have a common goal - to become a member of the EU. On their way, countries face certain difficulties and obstacles. In this context, a detailed analysis of the mechanisms and methods by which Ukraine and Turkey are trying to fight the problems on the way to European integration can be of practical value. Territorial proximity, significant demographic potential, favorable geopolitical position of both countries allow borrowing and effective use of mutual experience in various spheres of life, including in the field of preparation for joining the EU. No other European Union country or accession candidate has taken as long to become a member of the Union as Turkey. In general, it is possible to single out two large groups of problems that stand in the way of the European integration process of these countries. The first group has a problem related to objective factors – the need to modernize the economy, political system and legislation of the region, which is a candidate for EU accession. Another group of problems concerns subjective reasons – the domestic political situation in the EU, etc.
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