Keywords: recreational forest management, ecological and economic support, decentralization processes, capital expenditures, forest biogeocenoses, forest lands


The article forms the author's concept of building a system of ecological and economic support for recreational forest use in the context of deepening decentralization processes, in particular, taking into account the consequences of completing the process of unification of territorial communities and deregulation of land relations. It is established that the system of ecological and economic support for recreational forest use covers ecological and forestry and financial and economic components, which, accordingly, contain a set of methods, methods and tools of regulatory influence on permanent and temporary forest users, as well as on the behaviour of specialized recreational enterprises that use forest biogeocenoses to provide a certain list of recreational services. It is proved that the ecological and forestry component should contain methods and tools that oblige recreational business entities to implement the necessary complex of forestry and forest protection measures, as well as a set of measures for forest management in accordance with the requirements of scientifically based forestry management. It is established that the financial and economic component should cover methods and tools that will provide full financing for the renewal and modernization of basic Forestry facilities, reforestation, reforestation and afforestation processes, as well as the processes of preserving and increasing forest biodiversity as a material and non-resource base for the production of recreational services. It is proved that such a combination of ecological-forestry and financial-economic regulators is necessary to ensure the processes of using the components of forest biogeocenoses (forest lands, wood and non-wood forest raw materials, useful properties of forests, forest fauna), which will allow to produce a wide range of recreational services and thereby ensure the highest level of complexity of economic development of forest resource potential. It is established that an important element of the system of ecological and economic support for recreational forest use should be the use of advantages and opportunities of fiscal decentralization, the completion of the process of creating territorial communities of the basic level, and the deregulation of land relations. It is proved that the key point of regulatory influence on forest users in terms of expanding the territorial basis of recreational forest management is the use of tools to encourage territorial communities and households to use self-wooded land for the needs of the recreational industry.


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