Keywords: business plan, business planning, development strategy, project, business planning standards, stakeholders, business planning methodology


Business planning technologies are becoming increasingly important in eliminating uncertainty and shaping the adaptive properties of modern business. This article is devoted to the problems of providing organizational and methodological support for business planning of the company's development. The objective of a paper is development of a comprehensive approach to the organization of the process of business planning, identification of methodological features of business plan preparation and generalization of requirements for its content and quality of justification as well. The methodological basis of the study consists of the scientific works of leading scientists and business practitioners who deal with the problems of methodical support of company business planning and practical aspects of its implementation. The application of business planning technologies organizes and systematizes the process of making managerial decisions related to the development of the company, as it combines elements of strategic planning and operational business management. It is substantiated the need for systematic application of business planning as a communication tool with external contact audiences and a mechanism for modeling the company's development management system. The quality of change planning directly depends on compliance with the business plan development methodology. The stages of business planning with details of works and specific results of their implementation were clarified and supplemented. This approach makes it possible to form control points for analysis of the quality of preparation and justification of business plan. It is noted that today there is no universally accepted methodology for business plan developing. It is proposed using a formalized and individual structure of business plan. The formalized structure is based on template of international business planning standards, while an individual structure requires adaptation to specific information requests of key stakeholders, whose decisions affect the authorization of the project. Despite the variety of forms of the business plan, its canvas must be formed by three basic modules: marketing, operational and financial. It is found that reasons for the failure of many commercial business plans concern both the application of formal approach to the development of business plan and the collection of information, as well as the justification of future benefits and risks, the reliability of conducting analytical assessments and financial forecasts. Therefore, the business plan is the embodiment of all components of enterprise success. The obtained research results can be used by enterprise managers, project managers and development specialists to improve the quality of business plan preparation and the validity of investment proposals.


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