Keywords: crisis management, military conflict, GDP, hospitality industry


The article is devoted to the current problems of anti-crisis management of hotel enterprises in the conditions of war and the peculiarities of their functioning now. The possibilities of anti-crisis management of hotels throughout the territory of Ukraine were analyzed and investigated, and the level of their financial losses during this period was assessed. The experience of anti-crisis management of hotel enterprises of other countries in war conditions is studied. Possibilities for stabilization and restoration of hotel enterprises of Ukraine now and in the post-war period have been identified. The purpose of the study is to study the current state of the hotel business in Ukraine and to determine effective ways of anti-crisis protection by the hotel enterprise. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the hotel enterprises of Ukraine currently work in war conditions and are forced to look for anti-crisis management methods in order to stay afloat. During the research, methods of comparison, observation, analytical methods and systematization were used. Susceptibility to crisis situations in hotel-type enterprises, which are the main component of the infrastructure of the hospitality sector in Ukraine, is mostly higher, especially in comparison with other types of economic activity. The current crisis conditions, which were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and before that the war in the east of Ukraine and the decrease in financial and economic activity in the country, have led to the fact that the vast majority of hotel enterprises are in a state of stress and crisis, and some are on the verge bankruptcy. The need for quick adaptation to changes forces us to offer consumers new ways of business development, the application of innovations and the discovery of new technologies for providing services, new working conditions in compliance with all safety standards and the appropriate quality, and requires effective and quick actions from the owners of hotel enterprises in anti-crisis management. The hotel business is one of the main components of the tourism industry in Ukraine. In the future, the hotel industry should become a leading factor in the activation of tourism, the integration of the country into the world structure of international cooperation, and an increase in the importance of national culture. The impact of force majeure on the hotel industry has become one of the main problems in the last few years. Thus, at first the consequences of the global pandemic had a devastating effect on the hotel business, and from February 24, 2022, the military invasion of the Russian Federation dealt a devastating blow to the lives and business structures of Ukrainians in general. Also, the Russian invasion dealt a heavy blow to the world. During the war, Ukrainian enterprises suffered more losses than during the two years of the epidemic. In the long term, the results of the damage caused are difficult to assess, as hostilities continue. According to the calculations of the National Bank, during the war, the Ukrainian economy loses 50% of its "unexploited" GDP. This means that the economy will cost the country more than UAH 50 billion every week. – And this is not without taking into account the cost of destroying the infrastructure. The closure of state borders, danger, foreign attacks, cancellation of flights, restrictions on movement between regions of Ukraine and isolation of the country from foreign tourists caused significant losses to the domestic tourism industry, especially the hotel business. This determined the direction of this study and confirmed its reliability. The practical value of the obtained results is that the risk management methods of hotel enterprises presented in the article are characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages and determine the availability and convenience of their use by domestic enterprises.


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How to Cite
Samoday, V., Rybalchenko, S., & Oryshchenko, Y. (2022). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF HOTEL ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (44).