Keywords: project, project management, communication, uniqueness, isolation, uniqueness of communication, the uniqueness of the project, project communication system


The study and analysis of this issue in its symbiosis, i.e., the mutual consideration of communication management in the context of project management, is now not widespread in scientific circles and often has a specific practical description. That, in the author's opinion, also forms a certain potential in the relevance of such research. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the features of communication in project management, as well as to determine the key methodological characteristics of this process. For successful implementation of communications in project management, as the author emphasizes, the following elements are highlighted: Communications planning – determining the information needs and expectations of participants, stakeholders. Distribution of information – timely provision of the necessary information that meets the requirements and expectations of the main participants of the project and stakeholders. Execution reporting. This information includes reports and monitoring on the current status, assessment of progress, and forecasting the progress of work on the project. Participant management – managing communications to meet the requirements and expectations of project participants and stakeholders for successful project completion. In project management, according to the author, we are dealing with a changed scheme of the process of evaluating the effectiveness of communication. At the same time, the changes do not concern the structural part, because the stages of functioning and development of the project itself can be flexible enough to respond to changes in the environment and thereby level out some of the structural elements. These changes relate specifically to the substantive part of this evaluation process. Thus, the author states that uniqueness is the main methodological component of the communication system in project management. This definition corresponds to the main content of project management and implements practically the content component of the whole communication process in project management. Along with the above, in the author's opinion, further research requires issues related to the risks and barriers of applying the elements of the uniqueness of communication activities in project management.


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Marnewick, C., Thanthony, S., & Marnewick, A. (2022). Communication patterns and team performance within agile software development project. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 15(1), 118. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijasm.2022.10048990

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Bannikov, V. (2022). UNIQUENESS AS A BASIC DEFINITION IN THE PROJECT COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (43). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-43-82