Keywords: management, economic stability, trade enterprise, indicator system, principles


The article examines the directions of managing the economic stability of a trading enterprise in the context of preventing the occurrence of crisis phenomena and processes in its functioning. It is substantiated that the success of a trade enterprise largely depends on its ability to counteract the negative effects of the external and internal environment. The economic content of the definition "economic stability of the enterprise" is defined as the state of the enterprise, in which there is an equilibrium balanced ratio of those economic resources that ensure stable profitability. It is proven that the strategy of managing economic stability should be based on the following principles: the principle of decision variability; the principle of transparency; the principle of information security; principle of flexibility; the principle of integration; the principle of scientific validity; principle of adaptability; principle of goal orientation; the principle of dynamism. It was determined that it is expedient for modern trade enterprises to develop a strategy for managing economic stability based on a balanced system of indicators. It is substantiated that when applying a balanced system of indicators, the strategy of a trading company should be considered from four aspects: finance, customer relations (marketing), organization of internal business processes, training and development (personnel). It is substantiated that it is expedient to build a balanced system of indicators based on the principle of synergy, and each of the specified components should contain information on the following elements: strategic goals; indicator indicators; target values of indicators; causal relationships; strategic initiatives. It is proven that the following criteria should be followed for the selection of system indicators: ensuring connection with the strategy; quantitative interpretation; accessibility; intelligibility; balance and integrity; relevance and adaptability. It is substantiated that an effectively developed strategy for managing the economic stability of a trading enterprise, provided that all key aspects of activity and factors that have a negative impact on their normal course are taken into account, will enable the enterprise to ensure an optimal level of economic stability in the long term.


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