Keywords: economic security, national security, normative regulation, social security, threats, strategy


In the article, based on the study of scientific economic literature and regulatory legal acts, a comprehensive study of social aspects of Ukraine's economic security in the context of social security is carried out. The study analyzed and determined the list of measures necessary for the implementation of the primary basic balance between social factors and economic security. In the process of research, general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were used. In particular, scientific research methods were used: dialectical; abstract-logical; system-structural analysis and synthesis. The socio-economic security of the country depends on the functioning and level of development of the economic system, including all components of interrelationships and interdependencies. Due to the lack of a scientific strategy for national development, the guiding principle of which is economic security, negative economic phenomena have become more frequent, creating conditions for the theoretical justification of national development and the use of other scientific methods. Avoiding economic security will lead to negative socio-economic consequences, negative economic conditions, increased dependence on imports, etc. Therefore, the study of factors affecting national economic security becomes important and systematization according to different areas of national development. The mentioned topic is also relevant in the context of the further development of economic security, which will be aimed at solving certain problematic issues regarding the social aspects of Ukraine's economic security in the conditions of military aggression. It is proposed to develop strategies for the social stability of society, under which it is necessary to understand the integral dynamic elements of economic security, which lead to qualitative transformations of the mechanism of its provision and improve its essential content in the context of today's realities, taking into account the interests of the individual, society, and the state, as well as ensuring the appropriate level life of citizens, based on their material and spiritual needs and taking into account the factor of the need to form human capital, as the most valuable resource for the country's economic development.


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How to Cite
HrynykО., & Sysoieva, I. (2022). ECONOMIC SECURITY OF UKRAINE: SOCIAL ASPECT. Economy and Society, (43).

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