Keywords: deportation, migration, forced migration, types of migration


The paper assumes that deportation is one of the kinds of migration, particularly forced migration, e.g. refugees. The necessity of research arises as millions of people were affected by deportation last century and much more previously. Even nowadays, deportation still occurs. Nevertheless, it has little attention from publicity, specifically from political and scientific communities. Therefore, the paper aims to provide theoretical justification and reveal historical evidence to describe this practice, its purpose and scale, and its impact on deportees. We pursue that deportation has to receive more attention, especially from international organisations like the UN and IOM. Special bodies within this organisation have to be created to help victims of deportation, similar to refugees. The paper starts with building up the theoretical justification by analysis of definitions of "deportation" provided by other authors, its characteristics and peculiarities. Further, we continue with the comparison of deportation and other types of forced migration. Finally, we provide a definition of deportation. The second part of the paper reveals historical evidence of deportation from ancient history to modern times, including nowadays.


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