Keywords: economic risk, risk management, mathematical expectation, mean deviation, scatter plots, coefficient of variation, risk minimization


The article examines the organization corporate risk management, definitions of the terms "economic risk" and "risk management" are given, introduced principles of an effective risk management system. The various stages of the management process are shown and explained: qualitative evaluation risks; quantification; risk response planning, risk monitoring and management. The main indicators of quantitative risk assessment are: mathematical expectation, mean bias, variance, coefficient of variation. All circumstances that affect the probability transitions between elements of the risk structure and (or) on the method of their implementation, unite under the general name "risk factors". The most important methods of corporate risk minimization are risk insurance, hedging, liability insurance, diversification, risk sharing, resource reservation, limits, product quality, corporate planning and corporate consulting. Classification of risks is one of the stages of risk analysis, which allows to carry out further risk identification and assessment, as well as develop methods of their management. The classification of risks means the distribution of risks according to certain ones groups depending on the selected classification feature based on directions and specifics of the enterprise's activities. Strategic management is one of the directions of management, the main task of which is development general course of development of the organization, as well as in preparation and implementation programs for its implementation. The main task of all systems risk management in any field of activity consists in the most effective use of scientific achievements and available limited funds to to make the results of activity as predictable as possible, that is, to reduce as much uncertainty as possible regarding these results. It was established that the risk for each enterprise is individual, therefore the use of one or another optimization method is also individual and determined by the conditions of the external and internal environment. It is summarized that the effectiveness of all risk management and the effectiveness of the activities of economic entities largely depend on the accepted concept of risk management.


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How to Cite
Mekh, K., & Fedulova, I. (2022). FORMATION OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (43).