Keywords: development of enterprise, enterprise development process, enterprise development process management, management system, enterprise development forms


The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical foundations of the enterprise development management process, starting with the content of the very concept of "enterprise development". The functions, principles, approaches and stages of the enterprise development management process are studied. It was determined that significant changes in all its spheres, which have an impact on the enterprise management system, are an inherent feature of the development of the economy at the current stage. Management is a purposeful activity of all business entities that ensure the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and development of the enterprise. Enterprise development is an irreversible process that provides controlled or random transitions from one unique state to another through the process of change. The implementation of enterprise development management processes is carried out on the basis of the introduction of various methods, techniques, tools, as well as technologies and equipment. The characteristic features of the development of the economic entity under modern conditions have been studied. Theories of the development of organizations, etc., are considered. It was determined that today Ukrainian enterprises need to form a system of enterprise management based on the principles of sustainable development. Since this management contributes to ensuring financial stability, competitiveness and effective functioning on the markets, and also enables the organization of production aimed at reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, improving the working conditions of employees and the social level of the population as a whole. Development management becomes more important as the pace of socio-economic development increases. Every day in the changing conditions of the modern world, the development of an organization is considered not only a consequence of evolution, but also the result of the targeted efforts of leaders. In the relationship “functioning management – development management”, development management is gaining more and more weight. The article discusses the features of managing the development of the company.


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How to Cite
Zaika, O., & Tkachenko, V. (2022). DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (43).